20 Simple and Fun Mom Tag Questions

The mom tag could involve you introducing your audience to your mom, or a mother answering the mom tag questions. If the first option is what you are going for, then grab your mom and ask her the list of questions the internet has prepared for her mostly concerning her being your mother.

If the second option is what you are going for, then like many others already have, take some time and share with people your experience as a mother.

This is a great tag because not only does it provide your audience with a distinct perspective on your life, it is also a great a way to exchange tips that may help new, future or current mom.

These questions range from; at what age did you become a mom? To; what is the most difficult thing about being a mom?

Table of Contents

List of Mom Tag Questions

When you finally decide to bring your mom on your channel, here are the questions to ask her.

  1. How old were you when you had your first child?
  2. What was the hardest thing about being pregnant for 9 months?
  3. Can you think of any good things you enjoyed during those 9 months?
  4. In your opinion, were all the things you heard about childbirth accurate or way off.
  5. Would you have handled childbirth differently if you could re-do it?
  6. What would be your advice for someone who is about to have a baby?
  7. What has been the hardest thing about being a mom?
  8. What has been the most rewarding thing about being a mom?
  9. What was the most surprising thing you discovered about being a mom?
  10. What is the best memory you have involving your child?
  11. What was the most exciting milestone?
  12. What is the worst thing your child has ever done?
  13. What habit did you wish your child didn’t have?
  14. What habit of theirs makes you most proud?
  15. Do you share any similarities with your child (both Physical and Personality)?
  16. Where would you like your child to be in 10 years?
  17. What is something that having a child has taught you?
  18. Did you imagine that you’d be a mom at the age that you became a mom?
  19. Describe your child in a single sentence?
  20. How have you changed as a person since becoming a mom?

Mom Tag Questions Video

These amazing mom tag questions video can give you several ideas for your own mom tag video. I hope you also invite your mom to your channel.

Mom Tag – Rachel 

The Mom Tag – JennaMarbles

Mom Tag – Brooklyn and Bailey

Mom Tag – Andjela&Nadja

Mom Tag – Jasmine Brown

Now, let’s watch you and your mom’s tag questions video. I’m sure it’s going to be fun.